
Milan is the capital of Lombardy and the first Italian city in the commercial, banking and industry sector. It is a city of impressive palaces, rich in history, culture and culinary delights.

Milan is also known for being one of the world capitals of design and fashion.

Many artists, intellectuals and writers have settled in Milan and have helped to make the city as itis today.

Not everyone loves it, many are indifferent to it or it is often not considered among the major cities of tourist interest. Some people say that Milan is grey and with very little artistic personality. Indeed Milan is one of the most interesting city in Italy. It is not cold, if anything, it is discrete.

It is the capital city of the Italian economy, the most dynamic city in the peninsula. Milan probably hide what are its real treasures (which are those for which other cities are considered enchanting): the hidden corners, perhaps even away from the centre, the less busy streets, where visitors can find both luxury eighteenth and nineteenth century buildings and the most modest railing houses, the artisans’ shops, important museums and art galleries, historic monuments among the richest of the peninsula, a real face parallel to the other disclosed by the media.

– Milan is beautiful immersed in its fog, when the sounds are muffled and the buildings seem even more monumental, and the gardens become places with strange tales of creatures that simply turns out to be dogs on leashes.

– Milan is beautiful under the snow, when the cathedral seems to come out of a fairy tale and assumes the shape of a giant cake with whipped cream.

– Milan is beautiful in spring days with the bright sun on it, fresh air and an uniform sky-blue.

– Milan is beautiful even in August, with empty streets and shuttered shops, with the heat that turns into the Venetian canals.

The main architectural treasures in the city are: the Duomo, the Castello Sforzesco, the Central Station, the Pirellone skyscraper, the Tower Velasco and many more.

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